Monday, April 5, 2010

Guest Blogger

Dearest Kamal,

It was an incredible gas to see you perform yesterday!! I am so glad I got the news. I will most certainly contribute my 2 cents on your fb page. I was so proud of you & so honored that you have been an important teacher in my life. The passage of time means nothing in terms of what you imparted to me. I was so inspired by your performance, I had been procrastinating about getting out there as a singer but left so geeked up about it LOL!

You sounded WONDERFUL! So now, when are we going to reschedule our date hmm?

With Much Love,


I also want to thank you for your teaching. You & I met in the mid-80's when my voice was burned out & I had NO UPPER REGISTER [remember that?] That was in the time when we poor dancers were relegated to just 'belting' forget ever becoming a singer.  You had been recommended to me at the time when I was so doggone frustrated so I gave you a shot, & on the first day I breathlessly waded through the 'swell & release' UGH!  Painful, torturous, ego deflating, UGH!  But slowly & not as long as I thought it would be, the notes started to come: longer, louder, stronger & POOF!  The upper register was back with some more on the other end, & then my range expanded in both directions.  I could go on & on about the metamorphosis but I won't LOL!!  After a very long break from the biz, I am preparing to re-enter & the book I'm using to dust off the pipes is the book you had me buy all those years ago: The Soprano Voice by Anthony Frisell.  So needless to say, you are & have been a very important part of my voice.  Thank you Kamal.  Oh gees, getting all weepy now lolololllllllllllllllllllllll!!!
With Much Love,

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