Thursday, April 29, 2010

"The Tale End"

My past and recent showbiz experience allowed me the privilege of being close to the great Hines, Hines, & Dad. For those who may not remember, they were a father and two sons: the elder Mr. Hines; Gregory Hines, Jr. and Maurice Hines. The sons were my peers and very close friends. There are many moments to share, of our special friendship.

They brought class and elegance to the stage. It was Gregory who helped bring the excellence of tap dancing back and inspired young men like Savion Glover. We were a part of a special time in the American Theatrical scene.

When I lived in Las Vegas, Mr. Hines and I had studio space at Henry Le Tang Studios; Tap Teacher extraordinaire. They both knew my Dad, and we shared many wonderful stories. Mr. Hines always said that Maurice, Gregory, and I were born at "The Tale End" of great---

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Job Well Done"

Today, I recieved one of the nicest phone calls ever.
My student Julia Suriano was voted by all the teachers in the vocal the extension division
of Mannes College, to be awarded a cash prize given to the voice that showed the most promise this semester.
Bravo Julia!!!!!
This young lady exhibits the best study habits, has a winning personality, and a great voice.
She has one of the most natural gifts for making the music live; as her teacher, I have always felt
she had a great future ahead of her.
Take note, that this young lady is only eighteen years old.

"Job Well Done"- Julia Suriano - Now it begins.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Singing at any age

If you are aware of Kenneth Kamal Scott, by now I'm sure you know I've been out here on the stages of the world for a very long time. It is by no means an accident that my vocal apparatus still functions in a healthy manner,retaining it's youth and flexibility. "The Proof of the pudding is in the eating."

Some years ago I chose to completely reorder the functioning of my gift. I was cautioned by many of my colleagues at the time,but I was sure that, though I was taking the road less traveled, I would ultimately be the victor. To have had a great career singing in chest, a great career singing in falsetto, and arrive in the fall of my years with a Mezza Voce that doesn't Quit! I think, this needs to be addressed.

People who are up in years; There does not have to be an end. Correct knowledge is the answer. There are many roads to Rome, and I know I've found one. Many types of vocal damage can be corrected without surgery and it is possible to sing well at age 60 and beyond.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Dear Friend & Colleague

Today On facebook I sent a message to one of the most important people in my long dance and theatre career. I taught at his school, danced in his company, and, more importantly, he was the Choreographer/Director of "The Wiz"--George Faison. We have a rich history together. I had not seen until today, that facebook has allowed us to hookup once again!!!!

The original cast of the B'way production was one of those "great moments." We were nominated for seven Tony Awards.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Students

I am privileged to have students from the universities where I teach, and students who have been with me their entire adult life, some of you for over 20 years.

This journey on which I'm about to embark, would not be complete without bringing to life some of the many moments we've shared. I may have mentioned in an earlier post,at a recent celebration, there were students I hadn't seen since they were college age, and were now themselves parents. Some of you who are presently on B'way, found time to be present after your show!!!

This is the kind of respect that I get from all of you; Thank you really seems inadequate. You help to validate the knowledge I impart, and allow me the gift of continued growth as a Teacher and Artist.

"We never stop being Students"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Kids on the Block

If you've been watching Britain's Got Talent or the Chinese version of American Idol you will have seen two young men with vocal gifts that make us remember what it means to be really unique. No more "cookie cutter" singers here. If the Asian young man were just another girl giving us another bad version of Whitney Houston, I wouldn't even comment. Bravo! As for Mister British Counter Tenor WOW! There is a place for you. I was very close to this sound in my youth. Alas, the call of The Lyric Tenor. How refreshing!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Gerry Brown

This is Gerald A. Brown, affectionately known as Gerry. Gerry has been my coach and accompanist for almost 30 years. I have learned so much from him during those years that words are hard to find to express how deeply I care for him.

Gerry has mentored and guided me with great skill and sensitivity. His knowledge of having conducted for New York City Opera has been such a tremendous gift when experiencing our moments of Artistic Expression.

"Er ist ein mensch" My Friend.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Roland Hayes

When I was a boy my Mother decided it was time to have someone who knew about the voice hear me, and so she chose Roland Hayes. I was about 9 or 10 years old at the time.

We went to his home in Cambridge, Mass. where I remember singing Schuberts "Ave Maria." Mr. Hayes said some very wonderful and helpful things, information I hold dear to this day. What is ironic that more than 40 years later I was privileged to be a part of portraying him at a part of his career that was glorious. His daughter narrated his life story and his grandaughter, who was a soloist with the Boston Ballet and a voice student of mine, was present in the audience.

Mr. Hayes's shoulders are another set of those strong shoulders we stand on, especially me!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Guest Blogger

Dearest Kamal,

It was an incredible gas to see you perform yesterday!! I am so glad I got the news. I will most certainly contribute my 2 cents on your fb page. I was so proud of you & so honored that you have been an important teacher in my life. The passage of time means nothing in terms of what you imparted to me. I was so inspired by your performance, I had been procrastinating about getting out there as a singer but left so geeked up about it LOL!

You sounded WONDERFUL! So now, when are we going to reschedule our date hmm?

With Much Love,


I also want to thank you for your teaching. You & I met in the mid-80's when my voice was burned out & I had NO UPPER REGISTER [remember that?] That was in the time when we poor dancers were relegated to just 'belting' forget ever becoming a singer.  You had been recommended to me at the time when I was so doggone frustrated so I gave you a shot, & on the first day I breathlessly waded through the 'swell & release' UGH!  Painful, torturous, ego deflating, UGH!  But slowly & not as long as I thought it would be, the notes started to come: longer, louder, stronger & POOF!  The upper register was back with some more on the other end, & then my range expanded in both directions.  I could go on & on about the metamorphosis but I won't LOL!!  After a very long break from the biz, I am preparing to re-enter & the book I'm using to dust off the pipes is the book you had me buy all those years ago: The Soprano Voice by Anthony Frisell.  So needless to say, you are & have been a very important part of my voice.  Thank you Kamal.  Oh gees, getting all weepy now lolololllllllllllllllllllllll!!!
With Much Love,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dear Friends, Students, and Colleagues

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to attend my performance yesterday at the Countee Cullen Library. I really enjoyed this particular concert and have been getting very positive feedback from a number of you. As many of you know, I am in the process of writing my memoir as well as a book about my singing career and all the varied places it has taken me in my life.

I would greatly appreciate it if any of you would like to do so post your comments about the concert on my FaceBook page. At this time, I would also like to invite you to feel free to write any little historical facts that you might have since working with me or knowing me. Many of you have some pretty interesting stories and views about things that we have discussed and/or worked through over the past few years.

Please do not feel like this is a big obligation--to do this minute, or ever--if writing makes you uncomfortable. It just would be nice to publish some of the great feedback and stories that you have been giving me, along with perhaps a little bit about who you are and how you came to know me. I've certainly had a rich experience knowing all of you, and for that I thank you.

Yours in the Arts,



Much of what we experience prior to a concert is totally psychosomatic. Singers very often create terrible physical conditions such feelings of a chest cold or of sinus and nasal congestion.

For years I've tried not to think of this as a moment of perfection, but a work in progress. Enjoying the journey is the deal; there is no perfect state.

I worked very hard not to fall into this trap for yesterday's concert and, fortunately, I was the victor.

When Christa Ludwig (pictured above) retired, she proclaimed "Finally I can catch a cold and not care."

Friday, April 2, 2010

Do as I say

There is a famous saying "Do as I say not as I DO"
I have always tried to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
This month's concert is a testament to the fact that the gifts we come here with are ours to nurture & maintain; therefore, Do as I Do and, as I say, "Sing Forever."